MadLine Studio Animacija - Grafinis dizainas - Reklama

Multimedia presentations, Flash presentations, Motion Graphics animation and video

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Flash presentation, Flash presentation, Dynamic Flash presentation design and Flash demos for websites, trade shows, and other marketing channels.
Multimedia presentation with continuous custom Flash animation. Use of Flash and other graphic design applications to create custom graphics.
Motion Graphics animation and video. Interactive story books
(Interactive Digital Media, and Graphic Design, 2D and 3D Animation, Programming Books).
360 degree panoramic (photo, cartoon).
Videography and digital video editing/production for web and DVD publication.
Services also include interactive media instructions.

Interactive story books
Interactive book “Puss in Boots!” Relive the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault.
Flash animacija
“Puss in Boots!” Picture “Puss in Boots!” Picture
“Puss in Boots!” Picture
“Puss in Boots!” Picture
360 degree panoramic (photo, cartoon)
360 degree panoramic
Flash Animation
Flash animation, Flash cartoon
Flash animations for Web, Flash for TV commercials, Flash animated GIF image.
Flash Animation
Flash Animation
Flash Animation
Flash Greetings Cards. Flash Greetings Cards

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